Truck Accident Attorney
When a passenger car collides with an 18-wheeler, the driver of the car almost always suffers more serious personal injury and property damage. Passenger car drivers involved in a trucking accident have much less to protect them from the accident, and the sheer size and weight of a truck can cause serious damage. While the car driver is often seriously injured, the truck driver may not suffer anything at all.
Truck accidents can cause whiplash, head trauma, concussion, various fractures, hemorrhages, and lacerations. Even more seriously, they can cause traumatic brain injuries and spinal cord damage. These are all lasting injuries that can effect your work, daily life, and even psychological health. After being in a truck accident, some victims find it almost impossible to even consider getting behind the wheel again.
At Kirkendall Dwyer LLP, we take injured motorist cases very seriously. A truck accident attorney at Kirkendall Dwyer LLP has years of experience, and so knows what is on the line for victims of truck driving accidents. If you are the victim of a trucking accident, contact the truck accident attorneys at Kirkendall Dwyer LLP as soon as possible for a free consultation so we can provide the immediate and honest legal assistance that you need.