Bus Accident Statistics
Buses are often thought of as a safe alternative to flying for large groups traveling across the country, across the state, or even just across town. But the number of deadly bus accidents in the news are proof that travel by bus is not always guaranteed to be safe.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimates that between 2000 and 2007, 1,093 fatal bus accidents have occurred, resulting in 1,315 fatalities and 3,471 injuries. This translates to about 137 bus-crash related fatalities a year.
The University of Michigan’s Transportation Research Institute estimates that 63,000 buses are involved in accidents each year, resulting in 14,000 injuries and 325 fatalities. The study also looked into bus drivers, and their effects on bus accidents. It was found that young, inexperienced drivers were at an increased risk of causing severe accidents, while drivers over 65 also had an increased rate of accidents.
For drivers over 65, the accidents were broken down as follows:
- 18.6% increase in accidents resulting in minor injuries
- 33.1% increase in severe non-incapacitating injuries
- 52.3% increase in severe incapacitating injuries
- 18% increase in fatalities
One of the frightening facts revealed is that 83% of drivers involved in accidents do not show any signs of risky driving behavior, meaning that serious accidents can occur without any prior warnings or signs.
Why Don’t Buses Have Seat Belts?
The answer is simple: the manufacturers of the buses decided not to include seat belts when they made the buses. Whether they made this decision because it was cheaper or for some other reason, the bottom line is that many buses don’t offer passengers the security of a seat belt.
To prevail in a product liability case like this, passengers must prove that they were injured because they were not able to secure themselves with a seat belt. Further, passengers must show that had they been provided with a seat belt, they would have used the seat belt and would have remained secure in their seat. Lastly, passengers must prove that had they worn the seat belt, they would not have suffered the same degree of injuries. In an situation like this, passengers would bring a product liability claim against the bus manufacturer for failing to provide a seat belt.
Contact a Texas Bus Accident Attorney
If you have suffered a serious injury in a bus accident, or a bus accident has resulted in the wrongful death of a loved one, contact a bus accident lawyer Kirkendall Dwyer LLP to ensure that you preserve your legal rights and begin arming yourself with the information you need to maximize your recovery. Our attorneys are experienced, aggressive, and have the resources necessary to get to the bottom of the causes of your bus accident. We work on a contingent fee basis, so we don’t collect a dime until we recover compensation for you. You have nothing to lose; contact us today.