Whether caused by outdated equipment or other reasons, nurses and clinicians have a higher chance than many other professionals to be injured at work. About 35% of these workers reported that they have been injured one or more times while working. Especially if they cannot perform their jobs, they may seek help from a personal injury attorney.
The injuries suffered by healthcare professionals may cause them to miss some shifts, while they are on the job. If this is the case, these professionals may seek help from Kirkendall Dwyer LLP. Almost a quarter of professionals in the healthcare field reported that their injuries necessitated them changing or modifying their movements or activities during one shift or more.
Many of the injuries reported are from transferring patients. 33% of nurses and clinicians have stated that they were injured when moving patients from their beds to chairs, or vice versa. Using a personal injury attorney, they can receive compensation for their injuries. The greatest risk is believed to include back injuries or neck injuries.
The results are not surprising, according to Alan Rheault. His wife, who is a nurse, was injured while working, and there are different statistics and reports about injuries in the workplace.
Patient injuries also occur, but they are not as numerous as healthcare professional injuries. Ten percent of professionals surveyed stated that at least one patient of theirs had been injured while the professionals were on the job.
Patients come first in hospitals, and this may be the main reason why nurses suffer more injuries than patients may. However, it is necessary to take care of those who care for patients, too. If the employer does not do this, the employees may seek help from a personal injury attorney.
Roughly one-half of healthcare professionals stated that they do feel their work environment supports them in preventing injuries. However, 25% of nurses and clinicians feel that workplace furniture and equipment should be updated. Almost as many stated that the physical space in the workplace needs to be better aligned with the needs of patients. Specific products are in design phases, including lighter weight carts and patient recliners.