In August of 2013, a little girl named Juliana Valdez was at the Garden State Plaza Shopping Center shopping with her mother and her brother. While riding the escalator at Macy’s, her shoe got stuck in the steps and trapped her foot. Someone pressed the emergency stop button, but it took emergency responders to untangle her foot from the escalator.
She was taken to the hospital with severe injuries and lost two of her toes. She has had to have 15 subsequent operations on her foot and has had to re-learn to walk.
The family has filed suit against Macy’s and is seeking $10 million in damages. The lawsuit alleges that the gap between the steps was twice as big as it should have been and that it had cracks in the supports. The escalator is from 1958 and had not been properly maintained.
The owner of a store such as Macy’s has the obligation to maintain its premises. When they fail to do so and a serious injury such as this results, the store is liable. If you have been injured in a similar accident, the personal injury attorneys at Kirkendall Dwyer LLP can help. Our attorneys have the experience and resources necessary to help you recover compensation for your injuries. You do not have to suffer alone; contact us today to discuss your legal options.