A Houston-based refinery facility is receiving one of the highest honors from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). The company that runs the facility is Veolia, and they have been accepted into OSHA’s voluntary protection program at the Star Award level, which is the highest level.
Veolia places an emphasis on teaching employees to be aware of best industry practices. They have also created an environment where the entire team is obligated to correct any unsafe behaviors. Employees are responsible for their own safety, and the safety of their peers. This should hopefully reduce the risk that Veolia employees will ever need a personal injury attorney in Houston.
Unfortunately, there are many workplaces in Houston and throughout Texas that are not as safe as Veolia. Numerous workplace accidents happen every single year, leaving employees without a job and without an income while they recover. Some are never able to return to the same field.
When employees are injured on the job due to negligence on the part of the employer, it can be very wise to hire a personal injury attorney in Houston. Lawyers to handle these types of cases can be found at Kirkendall Dwyer LLP. These attorneys help employees understand their rights and the legal options that are available.
Workers are often intimidated by the idea of taking legal action against an entire company, but it is important to try to receive the compensation that is owed. A workplace injury can lead to medical bills immediately following the accident and for an extended period afterward.
The employee may also be entitled to financial compensation to make up for the amount of time that they are unable to work. A personal injury attorney in Houston can guide the victims through the nuances of the law.