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Like it or not, nearly every driver will at some point in their life experience a vehicle accident. In fact, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has statistics indicating that 5.4 million motor vehicle crashes in 2010 were reported to the police in the United States, with nearly 3 out of 10 involving personal injury.[i]

What to Do

There are specific things that must be done if possible when an accident occurs. If the accident involves injury or property that has been substantially damaged, it is important to stay at the scene of the accident to be instructed by the police once they arrive. Leaving the scene without the instruction of the law can cause significant sanctions to the driver and possible criminal charges. It is possible to contact a Dallas accident attorney at the scene that will provide assistance to the process.

If parties have been injured because of the accident and someone has the training to administer first aid, they need to try to help. The injured party should never be moved by anyone other than trained emergency personnel that arrives at the scene of the accident. Once the injured parties have been tended to, it is important to contact the police to begin a report on the accident. If the accident is in the middle of the roadway, it is important to turn the vehicle flashers on and use flares if available to warn any traffic approaching the accident.

In all likelihood, the police officer will obtain basic information that will be in a report that is necessary for the Dallas car accident attorney to review in building a case for a lawsuit. This will include the names and addresses of every party involved in the accident along with all driver’s license numbers, license plate numbers, and insurance information.

[i] http://www-fars.nhtsa.dot.gov/Main/index.aspx

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