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The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has statistics indicating that between 12 AM and 3 AM in the United States, on both Saturdays and Sundays, are the deadliest times on the road with the highest number of fatal crashes.[i] In the last few decades, personal injury claims have skyrocketed, because of a higher level of accidents involving trucks, cars, or other motor vehicles. Many individuals hire a Dallas accident attorney to help them through the court cases when filing a lawsuit to find remedy, recompense, and restitution.

An experienced Dallas car accident lawyer can assist the injured parties to help them receive compensation as a way to cover any financial loss including medical expenses, car repairs, and lost wages. In addition, compensation can also be awarded by winning the case or settling out of court for emotional distress along with the pain and suffering involved.

If the party involved was killed because of the other driver speeding, recklessly handling their automobile, or driving drunk, the competent Dallas accident lawyer may be able to find compensation for the family members of the deceased.

Attorneys that specialize in accidents are skilled in a wide range of personal injury concerns including the destruction of property, wrongful death, and liability determinations. They often work on a contingent basis where the individual does not pay for their services unless and until they are successful in settling the case or winning at trial. This “no win / no fee” contingency is usually an indicator that the attorney believes that the case has merit in a court of law and feels likely that they will reach a successful conclusion.

Anyone that has ever been involved in any type of serious car accident should consider hiring a competent Dallas accident attorney to handle the personal injury case.

[i] http://www-fars.nhtsa.dot.gov/Main/index.aspx

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